my story
2022.5.31.화. I am amzing mom! I am super women!my story 2022. 5. 31. 21:31
In dawn, my daughter was coughing she looks like very hard My heart was broken...😭 Fortunately, she got better starting from the morning we got medicine at Pediatric I hope she gets well soon...! I think every day i am very cool and amazing! i am great mom! Parenting is very hard but i do it well I've always been good and i work too at home In addition, i am study english and i do new challenge ..
let me introduce myself in Englishmy story 2022. 5. 30. 11:09
2022.5.30.MON hi you guys, 안녕 i'm korean, i live in Namyangju, Gyeonggi-do. 나는 한국인이고 경기도 남양주에 살아 i'm 33 years old. i married 2 years ago. and i have a daughter. she is 3 years. and have a husband 나는 33살이고 2년전에 결혼했어. 남편과 3살 딸 아이가 있어 my job is freelancer. i'm a desingner or online MD 내 직업은 프리랜서야 나는 디자이너 또는 온라인 md야 but i'm not that happy with my job. i don't even think i'm good 하지만 나는 내가 일을 잘한다고도 생..
2022.5.20 티스토리 블로그개설. 나의 성장이야기를 담자my story 2022. 5. 20. 13:59
나의 성장을 담기 위해 이 블로그를 만들었다. I created this blog to capture my growth. 나는 이곳에 내가 배우고 성장하는 과정을 담고자한다. I want to include the process of learning and growing here. 5년뒤 나는 어떻게 성장해 있을까? How will I grow up in 5 years? 얼마나 더 멋진 모습을 하고 있을까? How much more awesome will i be? 나는 이곳에, here 나의 목표인 That's my goal 영어, 일, 새로운 수익파이프라인, 운동에 대한 성장이야기를 시작으로 더 많은 분야와 다양한 카테고리를 접하며 영역을 확대해나가려고 한다. Starting with English,..