my story
스트레스 지수를 낮추고 저항도를 높이는 방법my story 2022. 12. 8. 01:17
나는 선천적으로 우울증 dna가 없다 타고나길 긍정적으로 태어났다 하지만 우리남편과 살다보니, 남편은 스트레스에 견디는 힘이 꽤 약하다고 느껴졌었다 정확히 말하자면 풀데가 없다고 느꼈다 나는 스트레스를 받으면 그 스트레스가 없어지도록 계속해서 얘기를 하거나 말해서 바꿀수없는 상황이라면 잠을 잔다던지 신나게논다던지 술을 마신다던지 내가좋아하는 공부를 한다던지 하고 그러다보면 어느새 스트레스에서 빠져나온다 아무튼.. 이번에 우리남편이 건강검진을 했다 최근 피로도가 큰것 같았지만 별 신경 안썼는데 심전도처럼 신체로 측정하는 스트레스 지수가 꽤 높게 나온거다. 게다가 스트레스 저항도는 매우나쁨..... 하ㅜㅜ정말 속상하다 남편은 자기에게 심적으로 힘든것은 아무것도 없다면서 부정하지만 신체로 나타난 거기때문에 난..
나의 20년계획. 애착육아의 기록my story 2022. 11. 16. 10:18
23개월. 아직도 여전히 맘에 안들때는 대책없이 울음을 터뜨리고 짜증을 부리지만 오늘 아침에는 잘잤는지 내가 일어날때까지 가만히 베게에 누워서 기다려주고 일어나니 웃어주고 말도 예쁘게 해주었다. 돌아보면 요 근래 이런행동들이 조금씩 늘어나고 있는것 같다. 이제 나는 고생끝인가 싶다 하지만 이제부터 또다른 시작이겠지ㅎㅎㅎ 하지만 난 애착육아에 확신을 가지고 꾸준히 아이를 사랑으로 대할것이다. 2년동안 무한 사랑을 준 나 자신 정말 수고했다! 앞으로도 좀만 더 고생하면 멋진딸이 세상을 향해 당당히 걸어가는 모습을 볼수 있겠지. 정말 행복한 하루의 시작이다.
pray for 이태원.my story 2022. 10. 31. 13:37
an unbelievable accident occurred in Itaewon. the day before yesterday. i stayd up all nigt checkin the news in real time. the Itaewon Halloween festival, the first in three years since covid-19, attracted 100,000people a massive crush acciden occurred. there are currently 154 deaths (including 26 foreigners) and 149injured. about 20 to 30 of the injured are seriously injured and are very likely..
keeping the line or not to cross the line 선을 지키는 것my story 2022. 10. 11. 13:10
hi you guys. i need something very caffenicated these days. it's pm12:00 right now. but i was eat 3 cups of coffee. anyway, From now on, I will write my thoughts on a subject here without reserve i'm nervous about brining this topic up to you guys. but i will write about anything centence and anything else. because this is my place :D yesterday, i invited neighbor my house We raised a daughter o..
I went to picnic with my familymy story 2022. 10. 6. 23:11
hi you guys. i went on a day trp to Ganghwado island with my husband and daughter i'm not fowrd to it. but, when i arrived, i was very happy. cafe is beautiful spot we are take a picture for a long time and we went to the '동막 beach' nearby. my daughter played sandplay. and my husband flew drones. i was so happy at that time because it looked like a normal and friendly family. i hope this time la..
people who are stong on the inside. 내면이 강한 사람.my story 2022. 10. 3. 19:28
have a strong person, inner part. not outside part. people who are stong on the inside look like frendly and sweet on the outside. they are not swayed by others. whatever influence the people around you have, you focus on your life and do not suffer from unnecessary stress. they are also good at expressing their emotions. when they're angry, they don't explode their emotions , and they shake the..
TO MY DAUGHTER. 1my story 2022. 10. 1. 21:01
wherther it takes a month or a year, you can do it. don't rush don't give up ('do not give up'is collect grammer?) don't be discouraged by failure comfort by myself that i'm not ready yet the time just hasn't come yet don't give up because you're wrong, try to find a new way, another way the opposite of success isn't failure, it's giving up success is the result of repeated failures. the way to ..