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I went to picnic with my familymy story 2022. 10. 6. 23:11
hi you guys. i went on a day trp to Ganghwado island with my husband and daughter i'm not fowrd to it. but, when i arrived, i was very happy. cafe is beautiful spot we are take a picture for a long time and we went to the '동막 beach' nearby. my daughter played sandplay. and my husband flew drones. i was so happy at that time because it looked like a normal and friendly family. i hope this time la..
people who are stong on the inside. 내면이 강한 사람.my story 2022. 10. 3. 19:28
have a strong person, inner part. not outside part. people who are stong on the inside look like frendly and sweet on the outside. they are not swayed by others. whatever influence the people around you have, you focus on your life and do not suffer from unnecessary stress. they are also good at expressing their emotions. when they're angry, they don't explode their emotions , and they shake the..
TO MY DAUGHTER. 1my story 2022. 10. 1. 21:01
wherther it takes a month or a year, you can do it. don't rush don't give up ('do not give up'is collect grammer?) don't be discouraged by failure comfort by myself that i'm not ready yet the time just hasn't come yet don't give up because you're wrong, try to find a new way, another way the opposite of success isn't failure, it's giving up success is the result of repeated failures. the way to ..
2022.5.31.화. I am amzing mom! I am super women!my story 2022. 5. 31. 21:31
In dawn, my daughter was coughing she looks like very hard My heart was broken...😭 Fortunately, she got better starting from the morning we got medicine at Pediatric I hope she gets well soon...! I think every day i am very cool and amazing! i am great mom! Parenting is very hard but i do it well I've always been good and i work too at home In addition, i am study english and i do new challenge ..
let me introduce myself in Englishmy story 2022. 5. 30. 11:09
2022.5.30.MON hi you guys, 안녕 i'm korean, i live in Namyangju, Gyeonggi-do. 나는 한국인이고 경기도 남양주에 살아 i'm 33 years old. i married 2 years ago. and i have a daughter. she is 3 years. and have a husband 나는 33살이고 2년전에 결혼했어. 남편과 3살 딸 아이가 있어 my job is freelancer. i'm a desingner or online MD 내 직업은 프리랜서야 나는 디자이너 또는 온라인 md야 but i'm not that happy with my job. i don't even think i'm good 하지만 나는 내가 일을 잘한다고도 생..
2022.5.20 티스토리 블로그개설. 나의 성장이야기를 담자my story 2022. 5. 20. 13:59
나의 성장을 담기 위해 이 블로그를 만들었다. I created this blog to capture my growth. 나는 이곳에 내가 배우고 성장하는 과정을 담고자한다. I want to include the process of learning and growing here. 5년뒤 나는 어떻게 성장해 있을까? How will I grow up in 5 years? 얼마나 더 멋진 모습을 하고 있을까? How much more awesome will i be? 나는 이곳에, here 나의 목표인 That's my goal 영어, 일, 새로운 수익파이프라인, 운동에 대한 성장이야기를 시작으로 더 많은 분야와 다양한 카테고리를 접하며 영역을 확대해나가려고 한다. Starting with English,..